Let's create customer value!
We are entering the individual age. People are getting used to very personalized experiences at Netflix, Spotify Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and while shopping at Amazon. Consumers also start to expect personalized omnichannel shopping experiences.
The Benchmark
Customer-centric journey design however is difficult in large organizations, because there are many departments involved. All with their own priorities and view on the customer. Data is often stored in different systems and databases. We use our Intelligent Customer Interaction gearwheel to provide a cross-department working method and align all insights to create highly personal interactions with individual customers.
The benchmark of your journey performance is the starting point. Based on real initial and repeat purchases we analyze the journey quality using more than 2.000 checkpoints. We score your performance, and the performance of selected competitors and international category leaders and provide an objective outside-in expert view on your journey competitiveness.
The benchmark insights are input to challenge your business strategy and define your long-term journey ambition. The ambition is used to address strategic journey innovations and operational improvements. With our Individual Customer Interaction gearwheel, we provide a workflow to act on innovation and improvements at the same time to accelerate business innovation.
This short movie illustrates how our unique methodology enables advanced journey design and accelerates innovation.
Customer value creation
Based on our methodological approach and the hundreds of journey analyses we conduct every year we have built an extensive best practices database and advanced journey models. We provide a hands-on and practical approach with a 2 to 5-year horizon to translate your strategic business ambition into groundbreaking journey functionalities.
We would like to tell you all about our tools and methods and how they enable you to take control over journey design and customer value creation, which is more than fits out on one page or in a short video.
But even more than that, we'd love to hear your strategic business objectives and determine how we can help you achieve them. Therefore we hope that we can set up a call and hear about your goals and ambitions.
Arjen Bonsing
Founding partner
+31 653 374 050